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Harmony and Health

To build a harmonious work environment, we respect the rights of every employee, having established a smooth communication channel and relentlessly improving our democratic governance system. We strive to provide our employees with diversified career development and robust health protection system. With those efforts, we are building a harmonious, democratic, safe, and comfortable work environment


Occupational Health and Safety

Adhering to the philosophy of protecting environment and managing risks with people at the center and all employees held to account, Luxshare is committed to creating a healthy and safe work environment for employees to work and live in content

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    EHS Committee

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    EHS Management Initiatives

Labor Standards and Labor Rights Protection

Regarding protection of labor rights as inarguably the bottom line, Luxshare abides by and implements international labor conventions and initiatives with high standards while respecting and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers from any violation

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    Labor Rights Protection Mechanism

Comprehensive Governance Prioritizing Safety and Emphasizing on Risk Prevention

Luxshare has established an EHS Management Committee led by the Company's Chairman, directing a safety management system carried out by each task force and relevant factory managers. Actively carrying out quarterly safety meetings, the Company has established a safety management system, appraising each factory in terms of risk and implementing safety inspections as planned

Always Prioritizing Safety, We Strive to Create a Positive, Lively and Healthy Work Environment

Resolutely fending off any occupational death and injury, Luxshare constantly improves its occupational health and safety management system and thoroughly carries out various safety projects in order to entrench safety in production and fulfill responsibilities of management

  • 51

    Number of major domestic and foreign production bases that passed ISO 45001 certification by the end of 2023

  • 312 million yuan

    Total investment in occupational health and safety in 2023

  • 46%

    Number of work-related injuries decreased year on year by the end of 2023

Respecting and Protecting Labor Rights Is Entrenched in Our Sustainability Drives

The Company has established  a labor risk management mechanism of "Identification - Prevention - Supervision- Mitigation and Remediation" with reference to the OECD Human Rights Due Diligence framework.We have established a sophisticated labor rights protection system, standardizing work behavior and preventing illegal activities such as forced labor and child labor. We oppose any discrimination and harassment, guarantee reasonable working hours and overtime pay for employees, respect free unionization and collective bargaining rights, and strive to provide employees with an inclusive and diversified work environment

In order to ensure the implementation of our labor management system, we have established a triple audit mechanism consisting of internal special audits, client audits, and external third-party audits (such as the RBA Responsible Business Alliance) to achieve full coverage of labor-related issues in our factories

  • 0

    By the end of 2023, we had found zero cases involving violations of freedom of unionization and collective bargaining rights, forced labor, illegal slavery, child labor and underage worker within all operations and suppliers