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Green and Low Carbon

Fully implementing the national green development strategy, we are facilitating green and low-carbon transition by reducing waste, increasing productivity, promoting environmentally friendly products and services, and adopting clean technologies, which will contribute to the scientific carbon reduction goal and push the whole society and industry towards green development


Climate Change Action

Integrating climate change factors into the Company's strategy, Luxshare systematically identifies and actively responds to climate risks and opportunities that may affect business operations, comprehensively carries out innovative climate actions, and implements green and low-carbon management in the whole value chain

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    Climate Risk and Opportunity Assessment

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    Scientific Carbon Reduction Goals and Actions

Green Manufacturing System

We are gradually perfecting a green manufacturing system that reconciles resource efficiency with environmental impact to promote the green transformation on the production side

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    Promote Zero Waste to Landfill

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    Promote Sustainable Water Management

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    Establish Green Factories

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    Lean Hazardous Substances Management

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    Enhance Chemical Safety

Clean Technology and Products

As a leading enterprise in precision manufacturing, Luxshare actively pursues clean energy transition and continues to promote R&D, production and application of clean technology products

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    Green Business Layout

Climate Change Has Affected Every Link of the Value Chain Imperceptibly. How Should We Cope with It

We are actively identifying climate risks and opportunities, formulating strategies and actions to deal with climate change, and responding to the high concern of stakeholders for operational continuity and sustainability under climate change. With reference to TCFD recommendations, we have directed our departments with high exposure to climate risks and opportunities to research and assess their own risks and opportunities in upstream and downstream operation. In addition, we have held special training on climate change to improve employees' understanding of climate change risks and opportunities

We Are Actively Exploring and Putting into Practice Effective Climate Actions

On January 5, 2022, we announced carbon reduction goals in line with Science Based Targets initiative 1.5℃(SBTi1.5℃) with an ambition to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. In January 2024,Luxshare Precision's emissions reduction targets were officially validated and approved by the SBTi.

  • 50.4%

    Absolute amount of emission in Scope 1&2 to be reduced by 50.4% by 2032, based on 2022 levels

  • 58.1%

    Emission per unit of added value to be reduced by 58.1% by 2032, based on 2022 levels

Following the blueprint of "carbon stocktake, carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality", Luxshare is actively promoting energy conservation and emission reduction through low-carbon transition of energy structure, putting into practice green and low carbon philosophies

  • 85MW

    Total installed capacity of rooftop PV by the end of 2023

  • 755,797MWh

    Directly purchased green electricity in 2023

  • 284

    Number of energy conservation and carbon reduction projects carried out in 2023

  • 1,100,057tCO2e

    Amount of GHG emissions reduced by transitioning to energy-saving and low-carbon energy structure in 2023

Reasonable Use and Recycle Increase Resource Efficiency

Actively echoing the nation's calls to action, Luxshare is vigorously developing circular production. Through green product design, adopting recyclable and environmentally friendly materials, cooperating with suppliers to carry out material reuse, advocating waste transformation, etc., the Company comprehensively improves resource efficiency throughout production and operation and reduces unnecessary resource waste. Benchmarking against the UL2799 Zero Waste to Landfill standard, the Company is carrying out targeted missions to replace direct burning and landfill of waste in order to comprehensively enhance waste transformation rate and resource efficiency

  • over86.06%

    Average waste transformation rate of subsidiaries in 2023

  • 13Platinum designations, 1gold designation

    UL2799 Zero Waste to Landfill designations by the end of 2023

We Cherish and Protect the Water Resources on Which We Depend for Survival

Adhering to the policy of "scientific and compliant water management for balanced and healthy use of abundant and sanitary water and for river basin protection", Luxshare is actively responding to water scarcity and carrying out sustainable water management. To identify and manage enterprise-level water risks, we annually identify the water risks of all factories using the “Aqueduct” water risk tool developed by WRI (World Resources Institute) coupled with the operation conditions of the factories. The Company customizes management plans catering to factories in different operating locations and targeting different identified conditions

The company is installing intelligent water management systems in each factory and formulating scientific water-saving plans according to the use of water resources. Moreover, the Company is investing in more advanced water-saving facilities and technologies to improve water use efficiency and reduce wastewater discharge from two dimensions of management and technology

In addition, we are also promoting the standards and philosophies of Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) and continuously improving our water resources management capabilities

  • 2

    AWS Alliance for Water Stewardship gold certificates obtained as of 2023

Green Factory Is the Foundation for Us to Practice Green Manufacturing

Luxshare hopes to gradually promote green manufacturing standards in all subsidiaries by building green factories as the manufacturing benchmarks. Some factories have set up inter-departmental green factory paradigm, green committees and green factory management offices to institute regulations related to green factories and corresponding implementation plan and appraisal system. Moreover, multifaceted management is carried out based on the goal of building green factories, including infrastructure, management system, energy resources input, emissions reduction, products and green procurement, etc. At the same time, the factories also continuously conduct employee training on green factory construction to raise employees' awareness and knowledge of green manufacturing

  • 14

    Total Number of Accredited Green Factories by the end of 2023

By Managing the Whole Life Cycle, We Are Producing Safer Products Not Only for Compliance, But Also for Your Health

Highly compliant with applicable domestic and foreign standards of chemical safety and the clients' standards on restricted substances, we formulated the Management Standards of Restricted Substances of Materials and Finished Products, the General Principles for Ecological Design of Products, etc., to standardize the whole process of product development, procurement, production process and shipment tracking, and to conduct tiered management of materials, components, finished products and chemicals involved in the production process of all products, forming a hazardous substance management system throughout the whole life cycle of products

We take Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) product program as our long-term goal, having prepared the hazardous substance reduction plan and actively looking for alternatives to reduce and eliminate the use of hazardous substances

We Are Committed to Exploring and Promoting the Use of Safe, Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Chemicals

The Company has formulated the Chemical Control Operating Procedure and Measures for the Management of Chemical Operations, clarifying the management standards of the whole process of chemical procurement, transportation, warehousing, storage, use, emergency treatment, and waste treatment

We Are Empowering Green Consumption and Lifestyle with Cleaner Products and Technologies

While actively expanding our presence in solar energy, batteries, new energy vehicles, data center power and other fields, we keep investing in the R&d and commercialization of clean technologies in photovoltaic modules, energy storage, heat dissipation system, etc., to continuously improve the energy efficiency of products. As we constantly push forward the application of clean energy, we intend to provide clients with more energy-efficient products and solutions, with an ambition to build a sustainable, smart, and connected future

  • 300million RMB

    R&D investment in clean technology in 2023

  • 46

    Number of patents granted in clean technology in 2023